Beach huts and surf boards illustration by Xavier Wendling
Beach huts and surf boards illustration by Xavier Wendling

Bringing Summer Vibes Into My Creative Work


Bright and warm days, travel and outdoor activities are having a strong influence on my latest creative efforts. Beyond instant gratification and cathartic release in those challenging times of global pandemic, I am tapping into seasonal themes with a clear goal to produce content and products that will attract summer-minded clients / buyers in this hemisphere and later in the southern hemisphere.

The ocean, seascapes, beaches, swimming and surfing have been some of my main inspirations lately, as illustrated by the illustration series presented here, featuring colorful beach huts and surfboards.

As new content comes to fruition, I remain highly focused on bringing some of those illustrations to my print-on-demand business, making them available for order and print on various mediums, including clothing, home decor, wall art, office and tech accessories. Learn more about my various print-on-demand stores.

Also be sure to visit the dedicated sections of this website for more on my graphic design and illustration work.

  • Beach hut and surf boards illustration by Xavier Wendling
    Beach hut and surf boards illustration by Xavier Wendling
  • Beach and surf boards illustration by Xavier Wendling
    Beach and surf boards illustration by Xavier Wendling