Over the mountains silhouette illustration by Xavier Wendling.
Over the mountains silhouette illustration by Xavier Wendling.

The Next.js Chapter


This website has been fully redeveloped based on Next.js. The increasingly popular React framework is a great solution for building server-side rendered apps and static websites. In addition to this personal website, I have chosen Next.js for several recent client projects knowing that I can take full advantage of Node.js and its rich ecosystem when the project's typology requires it.

The latest technical evolution brings another major change. All my content is now managed with the Prismic headless CMS with all API queries being made through GraphQL. After evaluating several popular CMS as a service solutions, Prismic won me over with their custom types and content slice model. Out-of-the-box imgix image optimization was another deciding factor given the highly visual nature of this website.

Learn more about this project and my web development and UI/UX design activities.